I had just pulled into a parking space this morning when Fearne Cotton played this on Radio 1 this morning.  Stopped me dead in my tracks. Perfect tune for a grimy Monday morning. 

Clean Bandit cover Royals by Lorde


We are house hunting. 

Although we are only just starting with viewings, we have been house hunting for quite a while via the powers of the three w's. Since before we left Switzerland, we've been trawling through estate agent websites, Zoopla, Prime Location et al. Rightmove and I? Oh yeah, best friends. The sort of 'best friend' that delights in reminding you how poor you are. 

Anyways, we've been getting an idea of the market prices, schools, areas with a reasonable journey time for Alex to get to... and more importantly, home from work! We've pinholed a few areas and have been out at viewings. Let me tell you this... house viewing with three small children is a challenge. Let me tell you this... 'you don't even have a garden to worry about' is a very creative way to tell the buyer 'this house would be perfect if only it had a garden.' Let me tell you this... you cannot and will not convince me that a second reception room on the ground floor magically turns your three bed house a four bed house. Let me tell you this... photographing a teeny tiny room from atop a step ladder doesn't fool anybody. Let me tell you this... taking my shoes off and tiptoeing around some of these houses has made my socks beg for mercy. Two words... vacuum cleaner! A few more... mop and bucket

In short... it hasn't taken long for the house hunting game to become totally and utterly and completely and wholly unfun*. Second guessing floor plans with not so clever photography tricks to get to the house and see the grim reality. I'm over it.

So what am I to do? I get pinning. If we can't find the house, I'll find the dreams until we get there. My pinterest page is rich with dreamy dreams. They may seem unrealistic for most of us but we can cleverly pick out ideas and apply them to the most modest of spaces. Here are a few kitcheny* images that I'm dreaming of applying to wherever we may find. 

Two tone kitchen via Decor Pad
Cream & Black Kitchen via Remodelista
Pantry Door via Decor Pad
to lead into something like...
Walk In Pantry via Decor Pad
Oh joy in my heart... I'm all over this pantry
ps. we do have an abode that may come to nothing but I have mentally applied my pins and have the dream.

*unfun; kitcheny - Don't worry, I know.


Somewhere along my path I have lost a few things. One of them is my inner song. So, in a bid to find it and reinstate it to its rightful place, I've been listening to Adele. A lot. Been playing this one over and over. C'mon you little mind melodies... come on home! 



Tidying up Lily & Mitch and visited my FAMILY section... wanted to savour it in a post before I update. Oh my, how things change. Obviously written before Darcy was born so we're talking at least seven months ago... Joseph is now far from 'chilled out' and Carys is far from a 'dream'! T3 is here in the form of our very gorgeous girl Darcy and I have since lost myself all over again and currently scramble to pull together the pieces of me. I will, I know that I will but good gracious, its a hard process. 

I threw in a few pictures for good measure down there at the bottom... should you make it that far.

fam·i·ly  {/' fam(ə)lē/}
Noun :: A group consisting of parents and children living together in a household.
Synonyms :: noun. kin - house - household - stock - clan - race - tribe :: adjective. domestic - homely - home -familiar

To me, family is all that matters. It's where most of our days start and end and for me, the past three years my family have been the content of my days too. My nine to five and all the hours around. The baby and toddler years are passing me by so incredibly fast, I'm savouring every moment.

Alex :: Oh, that man! When Alex and I first got together and my friends were doing what girls do, asking me the standard 50 questions in one breath, it was then I realised that this one was different. I didn't have the answers. I didn't feel the need to big him up. He was Alex. For me, all I needed was for him to be Alex. He is still that Alex.

Joseph :: My boy. He has been an easy child since day one. Sure he has the odd 'moment' but on the whole, he is totally chilled out. A really happy and contented little boy. I know because he tells me. In the middle of a game, colouring, watching TV, whatever... he'll look at me with the declaration 'mummy, I'm a happy boy' and it gets me every time. Love it. So my baby {'I'm not a baby, I'm a big boy'} will be three in January. He gets funnier every day. He repeats everything we say. Not in that annoying way a seven year old does... but later, even days after we've said something I'll hear him playing with his HappyLand people and I can hear how he makes conversations between them. It will be exactly something Alex or I have said. And the voices. Oh, the voices! He calls to Carys 'c'mon sweetheart, keep up' exactly as I do when we're out walking. Precious.

Carys :: Carys is a dream. I thought Joseph was easy but this little girl trumped him in the easy baby competition. From the day she was born, she made sense of everything. Life got easier. I don't know how that is possible and I can't explain it but that's how it was. I hadn't realised that I had lost myself in motherhood until she was born. I found myself again without even knowing I had been gone. Saying all that, she's a force to be reckoned with. Carys is similar to Joseph in a lot of ways, calm, content, happy to go with the flow but there is a spark in her that will, without warning, cause utter chaos.

T3 :: Oh, who are you in there? This little mover certainly doesn't let me forget they're in there. I can't wait to have him or her in my arms. We've agreed on names and I'm so excited to know which one will be added to our family.

And now... 

A fairly standard morning scene
Darcy and Sophie la Giraffe

Wearing hangers... as one does.


Anybody watching The Bletchley Circle? Another wonderful, wonderful ITV drama and oh those girls... these girls, in fact. I'm no critic so I shan't pretend to be but, if you love a good TV drama, check it out on ITV Player.

Series One had just three episodes so we aren't looking at a big commitment to get on board with the girls! In a very {weak} nutshell... Bletchley Park WWII codebreakers reunite several years after the war when a series of murders show a pattern that the police have not recognised. Susan, now quite the bored housewife, took interest an in the case, saving newspaper clippings and putting the data together. Ignored by the police after presenting her findings, she gathered the girls and they got to work . 

The first of four episodes of Series Two started last Monday and will play out over the month of January 2014. This time, Jean is the driving force rallying the #ladynerds together when a former Bletchley colleague is awaiting trial for murder. 

Lucy :: Susan :: Jean :: Millie
Lucy, Susan, Jean and Millie portrayed by Sophie Rundle, Anna Maxwell Martin, Julie Graham and Rachael Stirling respectively. 

Do yourself a favour and catch up here!